Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sophomore CCL Tournament

The Frosh / Soph Team traveled to Loyola Saturday to compete in this conference tournament. Our results are as follows:

106 - Louis Finny 4th
Louis debuted at this weight after having competed at 113 all year.He is eager to continue  working in the off-season to start off his sopohmore year with the success he earns with his hard work and dedication.

113 - Ryan Sanchez 2nd
Ryan has been wrestling varsity all year and took advantage of his competition here in the tournament. Sanchez dominated his opponents with his speed and aggressiveness throughout the day. Sanchez fell to Auld of Providence in the finals, and is anxious to get to work and prepare for the next time these two competitors meet up

120 - Jake Eccheveri 2nd
Jake continued his winning ways with an easy quarterfinal win, and a victory by default in the semis before losing to Goreman of St. Rita in the finals. Like others, Eccheveri is eager to continue to learn and build on his first season success. A freshman and first year wrestler, Jake should be proud of himself for a great finish to a great first season. Jake is also ready to prepare for his sophomore campaign by focusing on off-season wrestling

138 - Matt Bindon 4th
Bindon has shown a tremendous amount of improvement in his first year of wrestling. The coaches are excited to see what he will accomplish in the future. 

170 - Jake Konrad 3rd
With a big victory in the semifinal wrestle-backs over a tough competitor from Br. Rice, Konrad controlled the 3rd place match over Loyola and fended off a late rally after a lengthy blood timeout. With some more seasoning, the sky is the limit for Konrad after a successful first season.

HWT - Nick Leis 3rd
What a week for Nick Leis! A big dual win on Thursday followed up by a third place finish on Saturday. This young man is peaking at the right time.

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