Saturday, June 18, 2011

Loras Camp

The Loras Team Camp ended earlier this week, and was a great success! The team got some great experience, refined some technique, and learned a great deal about themselves and their teammates. The coaches all reported that the team grew together. As one wrestler put it, "We arrived as teammates and we are leaving as brothers." For the coaches, statements like that make everything worth it! Congratulations to Nick Sacramento and all the others who succeed in the individual tournament.

There have been reports from Iowa that recent storms have caused major damage to the area. We at Fenwick know that any storms in Dubuque were merely side effects of the tremendous energy released by the clash of Tony "Inside Trip" Triggiano and Mike "The Dynomite Kid" Kozyra. While not there to personally witness the clash of titans, I have been told that it was reminiscent of Jacob wrestling with the angel (Genesis 32), and was sent this picture of the Loras gymnasium moments after the final buzzer:
While no one was harmed, rumors are swirling that the wrestling mat turned to glass due to the immense heat.
Thanks again to all who attended and we are looking forward to the Fenwick Wrestling Summer Camp!

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